We are migrants in an intra-European context.
In the detail, our condition appears to us as an existential migration, not defined by bureaucratic limits and borders. It is a phenomenon that chose this city, Berlin, as a reaction.
Our internationalism and our common condition of migrants do not accept any concept of national identity and belonging; they highlight, instead, a common social condition. This place belongs to us, we see it as an arrival, or maybe a transition point, where in any case we would like to take part and leave a mark.
We are aware of the existence of movements inside of the “Fortresse Europe” that follow the logics of the human commercialization and of security politics, that could have pushed us here beyond our own free will, but one of our goals is also to deactivate this mechanism.
We are anti-capitalists, because capital commercializes the movement, choices and desires.
We focus our attention on politic happenings as, in our opinion, they are first of all an existential matter. Therefore, our political practice will point out and tend to enhance diversities.
Aware of the limits of scientism, our political instrument is the investigation of a reality that we see as multiple and contradictory. We do not accept the violence of democratic logics, we take our decisions basing on our shared agreement.
Mutualism, co-operation and ideas to act in the city are the bases of our concept of citizenship.
Anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-fascism are our dialog limits.
Our practices are only collective, and they are due to the consideration of the “here and now”, because our movement brought us here, now.
We are a cooperation and discussion space and, starting from these considerations, this space will experiment forms of bio-syndicalism, as to say auto-organitation against the violence of the capital, appropriate to the actual situation in which we live. This space has the will to develop new connection and research procedures, to be always open and inclusive.